Oily Water Separators
Separator Spares & Equipment, LLC specializes in spare parts, consumables, equipment, and services for coalescing oily water separators, centrifugal oily water separators, and oily content monitors.
Bilgewater separators, also known as oily water separators (OWS), are onboard treatment systems designed to remove oil from the vessel’s bilgewater before discharging it overboard.
Marine Oily Water Separators
As regulations become more stringent and enforcement increases, everyone, including owners, designers, builders, and operators of ships, is aware that the oily water separator is a serious design specification, operating consideration, and key personal responsibility.
Need Oily Water Separator Spare Parts?
We are committed to keeping your current oily water separator environmentally compliant with USCG and IMO requirements. We are your link to IMO MEPC 107(49) compliance. We provide oily water separator spare parts and accessories for the following brands.
Bilge Water Separators
Centrifugal Oily Water Separators:
Coalescing / Filter Oily Water Separators:
Oil Content Monitors:
Brannstrom BilgMon 488 Bilge Alarm
Deckma OMD Oil Monitor
JOWA ODME 2005 Oil Discharge Monitor
JOWA SeaGuard Bilge Alarm
Rivertrace OCD Oil Content Monitor
Rivertrace Smart ODME
Rivertrace Smart ESM
Rivertrace Smart Bilge
Rivertrace Smart PFM 107
Rivertrace Smartsafe ORB
TD-107s Oil Content Monitor
Oily Water Separator Spare Parts
Activated Carbon Media Charge Kits
Bag Filters
Bilge Alarm 15 PPM
Calibration Verification Kits
Cartridge Filter Housings
Control Panels
Coalescing Media
Feed Pumps
Flow Indicators
Hydrocarbon Media Charge Kits
Level Probes
Measuring Cells
Motor Operated Valves (MOV)
Mycelx Cartridges
Oil Content Detectors
Oil Content Monitors
Oil Water Separators
Organoclay Media Kits
Oleophilic Polishing Beads
Polishing Filters
Process Filter Housings
Process Pumps
Pumps and Motors
Pump Kits
Sand Media Charge Kits
Sediment Filters
Separator System
Separator Vessels
Solenoid Valves
Spir-O-Lator Membranes
Stand Alone Monitor
and more …
How does a centrifugal bilge water separator work?
Centrifugal Bilge Water Separator
Centrifugal separators also work using the different densities of oil and water, but the centrifugal force greatly multiplies the gravity effect as it accelerates. This oily water separator is more efficient and generally deals with emulsified oils. They run continuously without significant man-hours for operation and supervision and handle varying bilgewater composition, solids loading, oil content, and the rolling and pitching motion of the ship.
Many crew members are familiar with this type of technology since centrifugal separators are commonly used to treat fuel oils and lubrication oils onboard vessels.
Centrifugal oily water separators manufactured by GEA Westfalia Separator are an excellent option for new builds and retrofits. The GEA Westfalia BilgeMaster oily water separator modules are assembled to form a complete unit and can be supplied as individual modules upon request. This means that the system can be customized to meet the local circumstances in an optimum manner, even in restricted spaces. This makes it an excellent option for replacing old Alfa Laval PureBilge oily water separators. To learn more, visit our GEA Westfalia BilgeMaster Oily Water Separator webpage.
What is oily water separator in ship?
The primary purpose of a marine oily water separator (OWS) onboard a vessel is to separate and remove oil and other contaminants that could be harmful to the oceans and waterways before discharging overboard.