
#1 Best Secondary Oil Filter

Secondary Oil Filter



Secondary Oil Filter

Clean lube oil is essential for a trouble-free process. The principal functions of engine lubricants are to reduce friction, minimize wear of engine components, including corrosive wear, removal of heat, protect engine components against harmful deposits, and sealing. Oil contamination is a problem, degrading the lube oil quality. A secondary oil filter will help eliminate nearly all solid contaminants from the engine oil. A secondary oil filter has high flow rate capacities and removes/captures smaller particles missed by the full-flow filters.

Effective removal of solid contaminants such as soot, silica, sand, dirt, and rust.

Solid contaminants (dirt, wear particles, etc) lead to abrasion and wear (rings, liners, cam, bearing, etc). Other contaminants (soot, sludge, oxide insoluble, etc.) can contribute to deposition formation in the engine’s combustion zone and valve area. These deposits contribute to wear and combustion efficiency problems with engines. These solid contaminates range from submicron to more than 100 microns.

Increase engine protection!

The average full-flow oil filter traps particles as small as 35-40 microns. The full-flow filter can not remove the finer particles because the oil must be filtered quickly while removing most of the solid particles while not restricting the oil supply. The secondary oil filter eliminates nearly all contaminants in the engine oil and does not starve the engine during the process.


What is a secondary oil filter?

What-is-secondary-oil-filterA secondary oil filter (bypass filtration) cleans less than ten percent (10%) of the lube oil used by the engine and removes contaminants that the primary oil filter has not removed from the oil. The oil flow through the secondary oil filter is diverted back to the oil sump before reaching the primary filter. The bypass filter captures smaller particles than the full-flow oil filter. A secondary oil filter should be located in a separate flow path, as illustrated on the right.

Reduce Oil Consumption and Increase Engine Protection

The secondary oil filter does not replace the conventional full-flow oil filter. In a primary oil filter, the oil that goes through the filter goes on to lubricate the entire engine. The primary oil filter removes the larger particles of contaminants from the oil that are harmful to the engine. A secondary oil filter adds an extra layer of engine protection and removes the harmful contaminants from our lube oil.

The secondary oil filter is connected to the engine oil supply system downstream of the standard full-flow oil filter. The oil treated by the bypass oil filter is gravity-fed back into the oil sump. With secondary filtration, removing the harmful contaminants extends the oil’s life and the equipment’s life.  

Extend Maintenance Intervals

Oil service intervals are predetermined by engine manufacturers and designed to provide maximum engine protection under various operating conditions. Based on oil analysis data, secondary oil filters can extend oil change intervals well beyond normal. The continuous oil cleaning by secondary oil filters reduces long-term wear and can extend oil drain intervals. 


Best Bypass Oil Filter System


IOW Group Secondary Oil Filter

IOW Group’s bypass oil filtration system (also called centrifugal bypass filter) is the best oil filtration system and the world leader in bypass filtration. All IOW Group bypass oil filtration systems deliver superior results that beat any product currently available. The IOW centrifugal bypass filters lead the way in efficiency and control. To learn more, visit

What are the keys to exceptional performance?

    • Bowl Discs – The only centrifuges of their size to use bowl discs – usually associated with much larger units – allow our centrifuges to remove significantly more small particles than other centrifuges. This increases separation efficiency by removing even more contaminants. 
    • Remote Monitoring – The IOW centrifuges are the only product on the market to provide operators with a choice of remote monitors helping to make sure the unit is running optimally – reducing servicing man hours and increasing efficiency. The IOW CentriClean monitor provides operators and systems with valuable insight into its speed, cleaning, and service requirements. 
    • Fully Sealed Centrifuge Bowl – Unlike other leading centrifuges, the IOW oil filters are fully oil-sealed centrifuges, significantly reducing the risk of cleaned oil being contaminated.
    • Distributor Impeller – Oil enters the centrifuge at the base of the unit and, once spinning, is drawn into the centrifuge by the distributor impeller reducing the risk of back pressure causing cross-contamination and increasing rotor speeds.

Secondary Oil Filter Diagram

Secondary-Oil-Filter-DiagramWith the use of centrifugal force, centrifugal secondary oil filter systems trap even the tiniest contaminants. The lube oil is introduced into the oil filter bowl by the engine oil pressure through holes drilled in the vertical spindle and via the accelerator channels in the bearing distributor. The centrifuge bowl then fills up, and lube oil overflows into the top turbine, where it exits the centrifuge bowl via the (4) four-speed turbine channels and then out via the nozzles. This, in turn, rotates the centrifuge bowl, generating the centrifugal force required to remove the contaminants from the lube oil.

The contaminants migrate toward the outside of the centrifuge bowl, where they are deposited on a removable oil-resistant paper insert. The cleaned lube oil migrates toward the center of the centrifuge bowl, where it is expelled by the nozzles in the top turbine, thus perpetuating the cycle.

Adding a degree of lubrication cleanliness increases engine protection!

Unlike conventional centrifugal spinners, IOW Group secondary oil filters use bowl discs to increase the efficiency of separation, dramatically reducing the time that contaminants can stay in the oil. They have improved the sealing between the dirty oil inlet and the cleaned oil outlet. This ensures that there is minimal cross-contamination between the cleaned and dirty lube oil.

IOW Group’s secondary oil filter has dirt/sludge monitoring technology, which informs the operator when the secondary oil filter needs cleaning, saving valuable personnel time on otherwise unnecessary cleaning. The system is MODBUS compatible and can be easily connected to your existing alarm systems.

Clean lubricating oil (clean oil) is the lifeblood of your equipment, and keeping it clean can mean the difference between a smooth-running machine and a costly breakdown. IOW Group is a world leader in centrifugal bypass filter technology. To learn more, visit our IOW Group bypass centrifugal filter webpage or IOW Group’s oil filter website.




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